Insights Discovery

The Insights Discovery Personality Profile® is an outstanding user-friendly tool with which to address challenges such as team performance, staff and team development, as well as management and leadership issues.

OCC has formed a partnership with Belinda Robinson from B-Smart Skills Consultants in Cape Town and Angola.  As such the company has served clients such as BP, KPMG and Standard bank Angola as well as Maersk Oil.

Insights Discovery Personality Profile

The Insights Discovery Personality Profile® is an outstandingly user-friendly tool with which to approach issues relating to team performance, staff and team development, as well as management and leadership challenges.

OCC has formed a partnership with Belinda Robinson from B-Smart Skills Consultants in Cape Town and Angola.  As such the company has served clients such as BP, KPMG and Standard bank Angola as well as Maersk Oil.

The Insights Personal Effectiveness Programme

Using each participant’s Insights Discovery personality profile, the programme enables individuals to understand their own personality better, to identify other types of personality, and adapt to different communication needs.

The Insights Personal Effectiveness Programme is tailored to customer requirements and can range from a 90 minute executive briefing to modular sessions for the whole team over a period of months.

  • Each participant receives their personal Insights Discovery Personality Profile
  • The interactive approach accommodates all learning styles
  • The programme enables participants to improve their interpersonal relationships immediately
  • It creates a positive common language enabling people to discuss personality, preferences and the differences between people in a positive way
  • Participants learn about their strengths and areas for development and how to be more effective

One of the organisations to benefit from the programme is the South African Rugby Union. Below are the comments of two general managers:


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